Change Starts with You
book title
Change Starts with You
Sam Acho
Published Date : 2023-03-07
Even though the brokenness of the world may seem overwhelming, anyone with the courage to follow their passion and become a light–in their homes, communities, and churches–can bring real change. And when we all embrace our God-given gifts as changemakers, a better world is within our grasp. America is in a crucible right now. The pandemic has strained an already struggling economy. Longstanding cultural and political divisions have reached a boiling point. Various kinds of injustices have been brought into the spotlight in ways that Americans can no longer ignore. But the thing about crucibles is that they bring out both the worst and the best. When the crucible gets hot enough, the dross gets separated out and reveals pure gold. Writer, motivational speaker, humanitarian, and NFL veteran Sam Acho wants to give readers the courage and hope they need to embrace this defining moment. Instead of feeling paralyzed by how deep the brokenness goes, it is possible to recognize that just one person standing for justice and pointing the way toward hope can transform a community, and even an entire culture. Injustice, division, and suffering may loom large, but there’s world-changing power in each individual to stand up for truth, foster unity, and bring healing. Readers of Change Starts with You will be inspired to discover and follow their fire–the unique passions and gifting that God has put in every person’s heart; equipped to dream big, channeling their passions into creating positive change wherever God has called them; encouraged by Acho’s firsthand accounts of communities transformed by people with the courage and tenacity to follow their fire; and motivated to be leaders who empower others to become changemakers too. Change Starts with You brings a message of empowerment and hope to everyone who sees a broken today and wishes for a better tomorrow but isn’t sure where to start. Everyone has a role to play. Everyone can be a changemaker.
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