Nation of Victims
book title
Nation of Victims
Vivek Ramaswamy
Published Date : 2022-09-13
America’s inner spirit has been domesticated by a new culture that rejects excellence and embraces victimhood. Hardship is now equated with victimhood. Outward displays of vulnerability in defeat are rewarded more than winning unabashedly. The pursuit of excellence and exceptionalism are at the heart of American identity, and the disappearance of these ideals in our country leaves a deep moral and cultural vacuum in its wake. But the solution isn’t to simply complain about it. It’s to revive a new cultural movement in America that puts excellence first again. New York Times bestselling author Vivek Ramaswamy makes the case from firsthand experience that the essence of true American identity is to pursue excellence unapologetically–no matter your skin color or where your parents came from.
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