Flex Your Age
book title
Flex Your Age
Joan MacDonald
Published Date : 2022-12-06
How did Joan do that? Now you can find out! As we get older, our bodies go through many changes, especially physical and mental. Most are out of our control. But for those that aren’t, all we need sometimes is advice about how to make specific, sustainable, and successful decisions that can alter the course of how our lives go from that point forward. This is where Joan MacDonald of Train with Joan comes in. Just a few years ago, this septuagenarian wasn’t happy with how she looked and what she ate. With help from her daughter, Michelle (a certified strength and conditioning specialist), Joan developed exercise and diet goals as well as objectives for how to change her mindset—not just how she saw herself physically but how she felt about herself mentally regardless of her physical fitness or her age. Change is hard. Doing things differently than you did them before is hard. Making different choices is hard. But in this book that’s part self-help and part memoir, you’ll learn how Joan made her miraculous transformation as well as how Michelle helped her mother on that journey. But you’ll also learn motivation techniques, fitness and nutrition fundamentals, and how to find and contribute to a community of support. Change is intimidating, but this book will help you learn what you’re capable of—and how to enrich yourself no matter at what stage in life you are. Everything you need to get started—and to stay dedicated to a new path—is inside this book. With Joan and Michelle by your side, you’ll discover how to make changes for today, changes for tomorrow, and changes for the remainder of your life—long may you live.
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