Congrats–You’re Having a Teen!
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Congrats–You’re Having a Teen!
Kenneth R. Ginsburg, , MSEd
Published Date : 2022-07-12
Dads and moms of adolescents are often warned about parenting teenagers by other well-meaning adults. But pediatrician Dr. Ginsburg is out to prove that these years are parents’ best opportunity to effectively guide their children toward adulthood and should be celebrated! He shows how to help teens build confidence in their ability to handle the world on their own while laying the groundwork for a stronger relationship for life. Parents will learn to understand their child’s developmental needs and meet them, rather than finding themselves in conflict. Moms and dads will also learn ways to support their teen’s growth and even their healthy experimentation while assuring their safety and moral development. With Dr. Ginsburg’s effective and mutually respectful communication strategies, parents and teens will emerge with stronger connections and a healthier family.
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