The Female Factor
book title
The Female Factor
Hazel Wallace
Published Date : 2022-07-07
The male body has always been the default body in clinical medicine, making the wrong assumption that women are just smaller versions of men. The Food Medic: The Female Factor will change the narrative for female health and provide methods to protect and maximise your health in positive, affirming steps, covering what we eat, how we move, how we sleep and the effects of stress. You’ll find answers to questions such as the below, to ensure you are as clued in as possible when it comes to your health and your body: – do women have specific nutrient needs? – can food ease PMS symptoms? – can I exercise on my period? – do women respond to stress differently? – what hormones affect our sleep? – is heart disease really more common in men? With jaw-dropping facts and statistics, practices to incorporate into your daily life, heaps of advice and 50 recipes to sustain and fuel your body, The Food Medic: The Female Factor is the go-to guide for all-round women’s health.
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