The Official ACT Prep Guide 2021-2022, (Book + 6 Practice Tests + Bonus Online Content)
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The Official ACT Prep Guide 2021-2022, (Book + 6 Practice Tests + Bonus Online Content)
Published Date : 2021-04-20
Don’t let your competitors race ahead of you. Get The Official ACT Prep Guide today! The Official ACT Prep Guide 2021-2022 is created by the same people who crafted the ACT. With inside knowledge of the ACT test, the writers of this book packed the guide with practical and useful info to help you ace the test. You’ll learn how to approach each question type on the test and how to read and retain info quickly. In the book, you’ll find answer keys to all the provided sample questions. Unlike other ACT prep guides, this book includes official information from the people who wrote the ACT test. It includes information regarding ACT super scores and more. Gain an edge with six practice tests designed to whip you into peak ACT shape. Don’t waste any more time with guides written by outsiders. The Official ACT Prep Guide 2021-2022 contains all the inside info you need about new additions to the ACT test. The only book with 6(!) official practice tests written by the makers of the ACT Full of advice and suggestions to increase your studying speed Detailed explanations for every answer in the book Includes 400 flashcards online This guide will allow you to do your absolute best on the test of your life. Do not miss out!
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